Why Us

We Hire Only the Best!

At Assured Detective Agency, we hire only the most dedicated and skilled professionals available, including those with backgrounds in Federal, State, and local law enforcement. If you’re looking for top quality private investigation services, Assured Detective Agency is the company to call!

Experience Matters – Especially in Court!

With more than 250 years of combined experience, our investigators know how to conduct every aspect of an investigation with complete professionalism. We know how to conduct surveillance without being detected, and we know how to prepare our reports with the clarity and documentation needed if they should end up being used in court. To put it simply, we know how to do it right!

Legal cases are often decided by the skill and professionalism of the investigators. Opposing counsel will always try to argue that your investigators are not reliable, or that they made crucial mistakes in conducting their investigation. Our investigators are highly trained professionals from law enforcement backgrounds, and we know how to conduct investigations and prepare reports in such a way that they will stand up in court.

Professional, Dedicated Investigators

If you need to hire a private investigator, you need to hire a true professional – or better yet, a team of professionals including specialists in every different type of case. Whatever your situation is, don’t trust the outcome to an agency with less experience or lower standards. Hire the experts at Assured Detective Agency and rest assured that your case is in the best possible hands! Contact Assured Detective Agency at (877) 381-4549 or stevefernandes@assureddetectiveagency.com. Text or call today for your FREE consultation!